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  1. Centrifugal fan with forward curved blades
    The speed of the centrifugal fan with front curved blades is relatively low, and it is usually suitable for the working condition of large air volume and low static pressure. Typical flow ranges are 30% -80% WOCMS (full-open flow) , * with high hydrostatic efficiency of 60% -68% , usually occurring slightly to the right of the large hydrostatic * value. The power curve tends to increase and is“Easy overload” type fan. The advantages of the front-curved blade fan are low cost, low speed, the choice of smaller shaft and smaller bearings, and has a wide operating range. The disadvantage is that the performance curve shape may be parallel to the pipe network resistance curve, and the system static voltage reduction may lead to motor overload. In addition, the blade structure strength is low, can not run at a high speed.
  2. Centrifugal fan with backward tilting blades
    The velocity vector of the backward-tilting fan is about 2 times of that of the forward-bending fan. The reasonable range of flow rates for general applications is 40% -85% WOCMS, with a high hydrostatic efficiency of about 80% . For a given working condition, generally speaking, larger fans have higher efficiency. The fluctuation of backward-slanting blade fan is greater than that of forward-slanting blade fan. The advantages of the backward-tilting fan are high efficiency and no overload on the power curve. Its power curve usually reaches A * maximum in the middle of the common range, so it is generally not overloaded. The self-structure strength of blade and impeller is higher, which can be used in higher hydrostatic system. The disadvantage of backward-tilting blade fan is that it needs coarser shaft and bigger bearing because of the high speed of impeller.
    The improvement of the backward-tilting blade fan is to replace the blades of the same cross-section with those of the airfoil section. This improvement improves the static pressure efficiency of the fan to about 86% , and also reduces the noise of the fan correspondingly, the specific noise of airfoil blade fan with good design can reach or even lower than that of forward-tilting blade fan. The excellent performance of the blade fan is being paid more and more attention by the fan users, especially the air conditioner terminal manufacturers, and is being popularized in some places requiring high efficiency and low noise.
  3. Centrifugal fan with radial blades
    The radial blade fan is the fan between the forward-curved and backward-inclined blades. Its strength and abrasion resistance are good, and the blade exit angle is 90 ° . In our country in addition to some requirements for wear and corrosion-resistant occasions have not been commonly used.