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Axial flow fan is a common fan, its role is to promote the flow of air, so as to achieve a specific function. The main characteristics of axial flow fan is large flow, low pressure, can transport a lot of air, suitable for large-area ventilation ventilation. The following are some of the common functions of axial flow fans:-ventilation: in the industrial and commercial fields, axial flow fans can be used for ventilation ventilation, exhaust indoor air, introduce outdoor fresh air, to keep the indoor air fresh and comfortable. – cooling: in hot summer, axial flow fans can be used to cool down, by blowing cool air to the body or equipment, to reduce the environmental temperature effect. – desiccant drying: in a humid environment, axial flow fan can be used for desiccant drying, by the discharge of moist air, into the dry air, to keep the environment dry and comfortable. – spray humidification: where humidification is required, axial-flow fans can be used for spray humidification, spraying water mist into the air to increase the humidity of the air to meet specific needs. – air purification: in cases of severe air pollution, axial-flow fans can be used to purify the air by introducing filtered clean air to improve indoor air quality. In short, axial flow fan is a widely used fan, it can be used in a variety of occasions, to achieve different functions. In the use of axial flow fan, need to be based on specific needs and application scenarios, select the appropriate model and parameters to achieve the effect.